We have a goal of growing and diversifying the residential energy efficient construction workforce.
Oregon has a need for more skilled workers in the trades, especially those from historically under-represented communities. This Hub provides job information and opportunities to connect new workers with rewarding careers in residential construction, energy efficiency, and the clean energy sector.
What We Do
We offer coordinated green workforce training programs to increase the number of skilled workers across the state. Workforce trainees receive the following education and support to prepare them for employment.
Earth Advantage Training: Our 'Green Construction Workforce' training and credentialing program provides knowledge and hands-on learning in energy efficient and green construction for new and existing homes. These trainings teach new workers about the fundamentals of building science, energy efficient construction practices, and career pathways into the residential industry to allow participants to earn a 'Green Building Trainee' designation. EA also offers ongoing support for trainees to help them identify appropriate next steps and receive guidance on additional trainings/certifications, mentorship, scholarships, internships, and career counseling to help them connect with employment.
Partner Training: Many of our partners offer state-certified pre-apprenticeship training programs that help people prepare for careers in the skilled construction trades. These programs are 8-12 weeks in length and provide training in construction skills and technical building knowledge, as well as employment readiness, including instruction in workplace expectations, financial management, and professional communications.
Wrap Around Services: Our partners also assist their pre-apprenticeship participants with career counseling and job placement and most provide supportive wrap-around services such as assistance with transit, childcare, PPE, legal assistance, counseling, and housing/utility assistance for up to three years following graduation.
Who We Are
This project is brought to you in partnership with leading educators, trainers and program implementers in Oregon's residential construction sector.
Training and Educator Partners

Earth Advantage
Offers specialized green construction training and workforce support for new and seasoned professionals

EnerCity Collaborative
Workforce training for people of color focused on energy efficient and healthy homes in Portland.

Enerstructa LLC
Sustainable building, consulting, and education with a focus on Northeastern Oregon.

Elise Energy Solutions
Energy efficiency technical consulting, program design, and workforce development.
Energy Trust of Oregon
Dedicated to helping utility customers in Oregon save energy and benefit from renewable power.
Program Partners
Constructing Hope
Pre-apprenticeship construction training program dedicated to rebuilding the lives of low-income adults, people of color, and people who are unemployed or have been formerly incarcerated in the Portland Metro area.
Portland Youth Builders
Pre-apprenticeship construction training program for youth ages 16-26 in the Portland Metro area.
Oregon Tradeswomen
Pre-apprenticeship construction training program focused on empowering women for a career in the trades across Oregon.

Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center
Pre-apprenticeship construction training program for opportunity youth ages 18-24 in the Portland Metro area.
The largest trade association in the NW dedicated to advancing Latino-owned construction businesses and Latinos in construction.
Blueprint Foundation
Constructing Careers summer camp, internship, and mentorship program for Black youth in the Portland Metro area.

Green Workforce Academy
Paid green job training program for Black, Native, and adults of color in the Portland Metro area.
Heart of Oregon Corps Youth Build
12 month construction job training program for youth and young adults in Central Oregon.